You participate in League of Legends to have amusement, relax and to test your skills. It's not something you do in order to meditate while the game lags. Server lag can make you lose the game - the frustration is worse than the actual delay.

What exactly is the Ping Test?

You've probably done everything you can on your side so that you can play League of Legends with a minimum of delay. A computer that is compatible with the minimum requirements of the game, an internet connection that is wired and turning off the virus scan software can benefit you greatly.

It's not enough. Lag is ultimately down to how connected you are to the game server. How do you select the right game server?

You can login and out of the game, choosing different servers to see which one is the most efficient. But this takes up the time you would have spent playing. You'll be able to guess which server was the fastest.

You could also choose the closest server to you, since the further away you are, the higher the greater the speed. This may not be the case, based on many factors.

A ping test can reveal what server will provide you with the least lag before you even begin playing.

Ping Testing - The hard Way

Before you begin your search, you'll have to find the server's IP addresses you want to ping. These change over time for many reasons. Searching online will lead you to the most recent addresses.

On the Windows' Command Prompt, you'll need to type "ping" and then the IP address you wish to ping. This is how it'll appear:


You'll see the outcomes of ping test lol within a matter of seconds. You will need an text file or any other format you like, containing the IP addresses of various servers. This way, you can duplicate them in succession as you test each one at a time.

Trade Accuracy for Ease

Some websites are able to check League of Legends server latency by clicking. These sites ping via http instead of the command console method, so they only provide an estimate of ping time. This is going to always be less accurate than other methods.

Have It All

Isdown gives you the accuracy and convenience of the hard way. Similar to the command console method, you'll need to know the IP addresses of the different servers. It's not necessary to type the IP addresses over and over.

You can save a test and run it whenever you're about to begin playing. It will show you which server has the highest ping time so that you can connect to play without any issues.